Saturday, May 24, 2008

Welcome to Camp Kramer!

Well, my family has decided to start camping this summer. I grew up camping and was all for taking my kids into the wild blue yonder. We thought we would start with baby steps and try pitching a tent in the backyard and sleeping out there one night to get the kids used to it. So we set up the tent last weekend. What a joke! Jackson was so freaked out he kept crawling out of his sleeping bag to join mom and dad! We weren't going to start a bad habit and let him sleep with we tried and tried and tried to get him to stay in his bed to no avail. Finally at midnight, Adam took him in the house to sleep in his own bed. Rylee and I finished the night in the tent. She did great and was so proud of herself for "camping". Needless to say, we are dumb......because we are trying it again tonight! Pray for us!

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